3D printing parts processing

3D-Druck-Teile Bearbeitung

Processing of functional surfaces on 3D printed parts

Generative manufacturing methods (additive manufacturing) allow the production of highly complex forms and shapes on prototypes and functional components that cannot be produced or can only be produced with great effort using conventional subtractive methods (machining by turning and milling from the solid material).

However, depending on the 3D manufacturing technology, the surface qualities and geometries are usually not precise enough for the assembly of attached parts. The required connection dimensions and tolerances on the functional and assembly surfaces are subsequently produced in a traditional way using cutting machining through turning and milling to ensure a precise mounting.

For our customers, we process externally produced 3D printing parts made of metal material so that the mechanically machined functional surfaces are prepared for further assembly.

Ing. Franz Mannsberger
Ing. Franz Mannsberger
Firmeninhaber & Geschäftsführer

Unsere Präzision – Ihr Erfolg.

Unsere CNC-Fertigungsteile und Baugruppen werden in Branchen wie Luft- und Raumfahrt, Optik und Medizintechnik verwendet. Von Miniaturteilen bis zu Schwergewichten – wir haben das Know-how und die Erfahrung, um Ihren Anforderungen gerecht zu werden.

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The following materials are in use:

  • Aluminium
  • Stainless steel
  • Tool steel
  • Titanium

Delivery of our precision parts to a wide range of industries:

  • Aviation
  • Space travel
  • Medical technology
  • Optical device manufacturing

CNC-Teilefertigung Leistungen:





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